Friday 15 July 2011

Ways To Manage Your Time As A Student

1. Write all your sense of duty.
          Writing all your task in a piece of paper, calendar or even on your cellular phone is very important because when you forgot something you have that to look on to. Worst comes to worst the important this becomes.

2. Allocate practical priorities to each duty.
          You have prioritize what duty will due early, what do you need to do today, tomorrow, next week or even next month in order for you to accomplish everything suitably. 

3.  Schedule time to relax.
          Make sure to include in your calendar your time for breathing, relaxation and unwinding. Unwinding will make sure your body will not be full of stress and won't give up.

4. Be flexible.
          Many things could happen in unexpected time so as a student you must be very wise in managing your time. You should put more effort on these things that are not included on your calendar.

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